RHW Supremo (9/20, Result)

Royal Heritage Wrestling
RHW Supremo, Episode #004
September 20, 2023
- Arra San Agustin defeating Daniela Stranner with the Prityazhen'ya Bol'she Net via pinfall (10:38)
In-ring segment: Derek Ramsay arrives in RHW, Rocco Nacino debuts in RHW and confront him. Both men getting a staredown and later they led to an upcoming match.
- Dave Duque (w/Jerick Dolormente) defeating Mark Herras, Dave using a roll-through sunset flip powerbomb via pinfall (9:50)
In-ring segment: RHW Co-Owner and Founder Raf Juane has announced the 4 newly recruited wrestlers watched out for their debuts. Here are the following: Andi Abaya, Rob Blackburn, Ralph Malibunas and Maxine Trinidad.
- Will Devaughn defeating Jay Arcilla with the cross-legged Michinoku driver via pinfall (13:53)

Source: Royal Heritage Wrestling/PowerLife Wrestling Group
