RHW Supremo (9/6 and 9/13, Results)

Royal Heritage Wrestling
RHW Supremo, Episode #002
September 6, 2023
- Ruru Madrid defeating Zach Guerrero with the RKO off the counter via pinfall (10:43)
- RRH Philippines Women's Champion Thea Tolentino defeating Zonia Mejia with the Air Raid Crash via pinfall (11:03)
In-ring segment: RHW Tag Team Champions Mark Herras and Nikki Co arrives, Dave Duque and Jerick Dolormente from PWP interrupt and confront the champs. Both men would not takes place for a tag title match, which was a non-title match that would happen.
- Dave Duque and Jeric Dolormente defeating RHW Tag Team Champions Mark Herras and Nikki Co in a non-title match, Dave using a standing Dragonrana on Nikki via pinfall (10:56)
- Jimboy Martin and Zeus Collins defeating RHW World Champion Dion Ignacio and Will Devaughn, Zeus using a release powerbomb on Will via pinfall (14:35)
Post-match: RHW World Champions Dion Ignacio and Will Devaugh getting a wild brawl after losing their match. RHW officials helped out and stopped both men from a huge brawl.

Royal Heritage Wrestling
RHW Supremo, Episode #003
September 13, 2023
- Jamir Zabarte defeating Kobie Brown with the Cradle Shock via pinfall (10:44)
In-ring segment: Heaven Peralejo arrives in RHW, Lala Vinzon interrupts and confronts her which led to a match.
- Heaven Peralejo defeating Lala Vinzon with her new finisher the Heaven's Crossing (rolling cutter) via pinfall (8:58)
- Jin Macapagal defeating Vilmark with the Jinsanity via pinfall via pinfall (10:40)


Next week:
Royal Heritage Wrestling
RHW Supremo, Episode #003
September 20, 2023
- Daniela Stranner vs. Arra San Agustin
In-ring segment: Derek Ramsay arrives in RHW
- Dave Duque (w/Jerick Dolormente) vs. Mark Herras
In-ring segment: RHW Co-Owner and Founder Raf Juane has announced the 4 newly recruited wrestlers revealed
- Jay Arcilla vs. Will Devaughn

Source: Royal Heritage Wrestling/PowerLife Wrestling Group
