RHW, Spook-tacular (10/26, Result)

Royal Heritage Wrestling
RHW Spook-tacular
October 26, 2023
Telecast on 10/27 at 12 nn on PowerLife Combat TV and PowerLife Sports + Action
Intermission Number: Castout and Katya Sergeeva (Star Nation Season 8 finalist)
- Andi Abaya and Maxine Trinidad defeating Lovely Restituto and Fame Gomez, Maxine using a hammerlock DDT on Lovely via pinfall (9:54)
- Johannes Risler defeating Jamir Zabarte with the Fall Down via pinfall (9:23)
- Rob Blackburn defeating Kobie Brown with the Boulder Bomb via pinfall (9:31)
- Trick or Streat Fight Match: Ruru Madrid defeating Jay Arcilla with the RKO on the table off the apron via pinfall (15:38)
- PWP Infinite Championship: Kyryll retains over Daniela Stranner (w/Bianca de Vera) with the Kyryll Cutter via pinfall (10:38), Bianca challenge Kyryll to a title match added next month
Video Promo: Russian, Uzbek, Azerbaijani and Armenian singers welcomes RHW
RHW Tag Team Championship: Jason Francisco and Marlo Mortel dethrones Mark Herras and Nikki Co, Jason using a rolling cutter on Nikki via pinfall to win the title (12:25)
RHW Evolution Women's Championship: Shanaia Gomez dethrones Janine TeƱoso with the hurricanrana via pinfall to win the title (10:52)
Post-match: Seham Daghlas arrives and ambushed Janine and the new champion Shanaia. Later, Seham wants a title match with Shanaia 
- #1 Contender Fatal 4-Way Match for the RHW Unified World Championship: Will Devaughn defeating Paulo Avelino, Joshua Garcia and The Black Hood, Will pinned TBH after Joshua hits the Swings of Josh (16:30)

Source: Royal Heritage Wrestling/PowerLife Wrestling Group
